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As The Days Go By

                     As the days go by sometimes it's easier to get through and others I end up seeing you at school or thinking of you someway or somehow. And let me just say if I could make the choice I would want to go back in time and wish I never interacted with you because I realized this emotional attachment I have with you is just an inconvenience to me. It is not like I am even trying to think about you it just happens out of the blue and than it makes me sad.                I was walking to the commons and you ran into me and said, "sorry" because you did not realize it was me but if you did than you would have sprinted away like you always have. So here I am kinda wishing I could start over and wishing we were just strangers because the feeling of being someone you do not ever want to speak to again it sucks. Yes I am sorry for wronging you in a way I do not know...

Friendships In Life

                                       Whenever you make friends I think the last thing we want to think about is the possibility of walking out of lives. It's been hard for me to accept that fact that some people in our lives are only here for a season. There was this friend that I made that was unique like every friendship I have.But this one in particular stopped me in my tracks and maybe its because of how different this friend was from me. The way we live our lives and view the world are completely different. He views the world from a analytical and logical perspective where I look through the world through empathy and feelings.This experience was truly transformative for me because it provided a fresh perspective that I had never considered before. I quickly developed a deep appreciation for our friendship and the valuable insights it brought into my life. ...

Friendship I Value

                    Do you ever find yourself losing a friend over feelings? Your feelings about them are not wrong, but it seems like those feelings have ended things with them. It is upsetting, and it makes me want to cry. I miss talking to him and him asking me how I am doing! I really wonder: Will I lose that support? How will I learn to grow without him? It is so challenging, for sure. But even then, I know that God is good. There will be people in your life who come and go. Sometimes, if you are willing to go the extra mile and take a risk, You can mend that relationship with the person and possibly go back to how it used to be. But every friendship starts with a spark and can turn into a connection. Friendship should not require effort that is hard to get; it should be effortless, like a flowing river. As I have journeyed through my life, I have learned that your friends make up who you are! It's okay if you have a hard ...

Waiting on the One

                                This is a letter and story to the person who not only defined what love is but also what God's love looks like in everyday life.                               Dear ____,                                                                                    You are different. Just like every person is different but you are truly unlike any guy that I have crushed on. During sophomore year I chased and chased after people who weren't ever going to appreciate me and accept me the way I wanted them to. It was heartbreak after heartbreak...

Valuing Friendship

                        Friends are God's Greatest Gift                                                     You don't realize it but besides Jesus being one of the greatest gifts God could give us. The gift of friendship and the gift of friends! I make a huge deal about friends because I have lost them and gained them. My friends are one of the biggest role plays in my life and without them even the ones who are not my friends right now! I wouldn't be anywhere! But it's important to know and set straight who are your friends truly and who are your acquaintances! There is a clear difference and I feel like two often we mix those two things up! Of course, everybody defines friends differently but we can all agree that friends don't put you last nor go to as the second choice. Friend...

Finding Your Friends

                   "Friend" is one of those words that get thrown around a lot and misplaced. You can consider someone you see every day and who is nice to you at school as one of your friends. You could also consider someone who shares the same likes or dislikes as you. As you grow up, you later figure out who is truly your friend and what a real friend is.               Lately, I have been trying to find better friends! Solid good ones I can share my good and bad with. Not just ones I can share my happy or funny moments with. It's hard to find those types of people you can be truly real with, and they won't apologize or just make you feel unheard. I have also been really, really seeing who my friends are. Going off of what my definition of a friend isI know for sure that a friend is not someone who throws you aside and says you're the "second choice," or maybe even considered the last choice. But hone...

Surround Yourself with Good People

                 Important Things in Life        I feel like one of the most important things in life is your friends. What friends you make and who you surround yourself with is super important. I realized that only after a few months with being around the same people. Thinking that it was okay to do that. When in the end my real goal was to not be alone. I did not want to feel alone. When sometimes being alone is actually not a bad thing and people need alone time.      When I came back to the truth that stood out like no other. I had to be honest with myself and other people. Tell them how I really felt instead of hiding things and acting like things were okay.  When I did tell my friends how I felt I figured out the ones I wanted too still be friends with and the ones I did not. But I am glad I drew my lines because in the end I feel so much better!    God has blessed me with some better p...