As The Days Go By

As the days go by sometimes it's easier to get through and others I end up seeing you at school or thinking of you someway or somehow. And let me just say if I could make the choice I would want to go back in time and wish I never interacted with you because I realized this emotional attachment I have with you is just an inconvenience to me. It is not like I am even trying to think about you it just happens out of the blue and than it makes me sad. I was walking to the commons and you ran into me and said, "sorry" because you did not realize it was me but if you did than you would have sprinted away like you always have. So here I am kinda wishing I could start over and wishing we were just strangers because the feeling of being someone you do not ever want to speak to again it sucks. Yes I am sorry for wronging you in a way I do not know...